When faced with back pain, one option for help is offered by a Raleigh chiropractor. The doctor of chiropractic is a well trained health professional who understands spinal alignment is related to one’s health and well being. The chiropractic doctor provides help without use of pills or surgery.

Chiropractic care pays close attention to one’s spine. The doctor begins with a careful examination of the spine to locate problems, such as subluxations. After these issues are located the doctor provides effective therapy that can bring healing and relief of pain to the body.

Over 80 percent of the population will have back problems at some time in life. Annually, chiropractic doctors provide effective therapy for nearly 18 million adults and 2 million children annually. Many of these patients come for the effective therapy for back problems they receive.

Regular therapy by chiropractors focuses on spinal alignment and manipulation to help manage pain and stimulate the self-healing abilities of the body. By restoring alignment the spine, pressure from the central nervous system is relieved. This therapy may help to provide help for headaches as well as lower back pain, two of the most common conditions for which patients seek help from a DC.

During an initial visit with the chiropractic doctor, the patient will undergo an evaluation, much like that one would have when visiting any other doctor’s office. Patients are asked to describe symptoms. The doctor of chiropractic might order x-rays of other tests to better understand the condition.

The Raleigh chiropractor and patient will develop an acceptable plan for therapy. The chiropractic doctor will use gentle force to restore balance to the spine. Once balance is restored irritated nerves begin to heal. While healing may take some time, the pain will reduce as it occurs. Restoring the balance to the body can help to relieve back pain and many other ailments. Chiropractic care can bring wellness to patients.Raleigh Back Pain Issues Helped With Chiropractic Therapy